
She is the mother of poor Shumi, already paraplegic.
She is about 4 years old and an incredibly good mom. What’s more, with her perfect gentleness and calm, she’s also a great friend to any human. Maybe even for you, if you decide you want to adopt a dog that is already an adult, i.e. already educated in many ways, already balanced.
I have said it many times: adopting an adult dog has many advantages, especially for people who are not specialists in raising a puppy. A puppy raised by people who just love animals, without also having a thorough knowledge of animal psychology (ethology) and a lot of time and patience to devote to it, is very likely to become an adult dog with behavioral problems.
Lauda, on the other hand, is a very good dog who has already learned from the mistakes of her youth. She comes adopted, vaccinated, dewormed, and loved. All she wants from you, for now, is a kind thought.

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